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Here at St Wolstan's we want to create a positive atmosphere and promote positive mental health in our school. Throughout the year we will run events and promote positive mental health through posters around the school. 


We plan to document our journey for the Amber Flag through videos and articles that will be posted on our website.

The Amber Flag Initiative is a programme that was set up by Suicide Aware to encourage schools to promote positive mental health among their staff and students. It is also about awareness of the many issues that people face today and how to deal with these issues.



The Committee

Amber Flag Initiative

The Amber Flag Committee is ran by all the transition year students and is divided into different groups. Each group has a specific task as part of promoting positive mental health in our school. The groups are Audit, Web, Events, Boards and PR.


The commitee has already had great sucesses such as the Fun Walk, TY Religion Website, Positive Mental Health Boards and much more.





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